5 Tips For Prospect Engagement

Source: 5 Tips For Prospect Engagement

These are five important tips for prospect engagement that will improve attracting your target audience, forge trusting relationships with them and make it more likely that they will buy from you.

All buyers look for outcomes and your prospects have important decisions to make before they buy. These decisions are dependent on the solutions you can offer for their business problems, how familiar and comfortable they are with your company, how much trust and confidence they have in you, and whether or not having a business relationship will be beneficial.

Therefore, your prospect engagement efforts should always be geared towards creating these outcomes, because establishing this type of relationship will inevitably lead to more sales.


Tip 1) Reach Out to Quality Prospects

Sure, it’s handy when someone clicks on one of the blog posts or pulse article you wrote, revealing interest and establishing themselves as a potential customer. One that needs to be nurtured. But sometimes you might be so lucky. Sometimes you could be waiting around a while before someone shows interest in your company.

Don’t forget that an old-fashioned introduction still goes a long way toward establishing prospect relationships, and this includes reaching out on social media to someone you don’t yet know. But if you’re going to reach out to someone, make sure that they are a quality lead. Because lead nurturing isn’t easy. It involves a lot of work to establish trust and engage with them consistently over a long period of time. So don’t waste your time introducing yourself to just about anyone. You also need to understand their company’s business needs, as well as their personal goals. The most effective and efficient way to find quality prospects is by investing in automated lead generation services. This way, lead generation experts can source your most relevant prospects and keep your sales pipeline full.

Once you’ve collected all that information, you’ll be able to forge strong, authentic connections that go a lot further than the cold, hard sales pitches of yesteryear.

Tip 2) Give Them the Answers to Their Problems

Let’s face it, not many people are interested in hearing about office technology, document solutions, or network services. What your potential customers really care about is their own business. They don’t want to listen to product pitches. They want to hear solutions to their pains and problems. They need answers to their questions.

Focusing on the prospect’s business issues is crucial to solution selling. And today, it is also crucial to online marketing. Darrell Amy, from ProspectBuilder.net, believes “You are an empty shirt in the solutions business until you understand your clients’ business problems.”

You can develop a better understanding of buyers/customers desires by reading through relevant industry websites and LinkedIn group conversations. With this information, it is much easier to know exactly what content your prospects are interested to read, allowing you to tailor your content accordingly.

Make it meaningful. If a prospect expressed a certain difficulty their business faced in a LinkedIn conversation, try delivering helpful content to them through an email. Ideally you want to make it as personal as possible, so include a simple message that helps the prospect understand the topic and why you think it is important for them to read.

Tip 3) Leverage Social Media to Stay Top-Of-Mind

More and more, getting to know your target audience and establishing relationships with them is an essential part of today’s sales process. And it turns out that social media can help you achieve this quickly and easily.

In order to solve problems for potential clients, leveraging social media is a must. “Social media allows salespeople to see what prospects are saying about their brand and competitors,” says Janet Fouts, a social media coach and chief executive of Tatu Digital Media, an online marketing agency. “You can really get to know his or her needs through social listening. It’s a great way to research a market and initiate conversation leading to a sale.”

Colleen Francis (president of Engage Selling) claims that she has witnessed sales people pursue leads through social media and end up closing deals between $30,000 and $250,000.

LinkedIn is the most appropriate networking site for sales of business-to-business products or services, Francis says. “LinkedIn is a more professional networking environment, so this is the right place to connect with people at big corporations that might be interested in your product or service.” So this is the place to join groups, participate in conversations, like and share prospects posts, and share interesting and helpful content.

Twitter can be used for all kinds of sales, Francis says. “But the number one use should be listening, not broadcasting. Use what you hear as leverage to pick up the phone and call. Listen for problems that can be solved.”

Tip 4) Become a Thought Leader through Educational Content

Filling the role as a thought leader and trusted advisor, you’ll serve the role of both information library and subject matter expert. As you expand your own repertoire of knowledge, think of new and interesting ways to share that knowledge with your target audience.

“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.” This Nelson Mandela quote reigns true in most contexts, as well as in the business world. I believe that the brands that prioritize educating their target audience through the creation of insightful content are wisely choosing the road less traveled.

As already mentioned, customers don’t particularly care about the products or services we’re offering; they care about their own interests. Considering this, we must also accept that the majority of the information we produce for marketing purposes cannot be about ourselves. Our content must be based on fulfilling our customers’ needs and interests, so that they come to build a trusted and emotional connection with our brands.

Content doesn’t always have to come in the form of text. Images are content. Infographics are content. So are videos. And slide shows. And downloads. In fact, the use of imagery and video is more likely to reach and engage a much greater audience. People love visual – they are attracted by content in the form of infographics, relatable photos and data. You know the old saying – “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

Just remember this – the more you educate or entertain your prospect, the more they don’t mind being sold to.


Tip 5) Consider your Relationship Long-Term

It’s easy to approach a sale with a short-term goal, that being making a sale. But it’s time to start looking at it a little differently. Nurturing your leads should be an essential part of your selling strategy that should not be ignored. Not only do you want your prospects to buy, but you want them to come back for more.

So let’s say that you’ve just made a sale. Your work shouldn’t end here. Continue to nurture this lead. Maintain that trusting relationship you’ve worked so hard to establish in the first place. This will benefit you with extended financial rewards.

Did you know that it costs five times as much to attract a new customer, than to keep an existing one? No? That’s ok, you’re not alone. 44% of companies place greater focus and energy into acquiring new customers, while only 18% prioritize retaining customers who have already bought from them. The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%. This should prove that the first rule of any business is to retain customers and build a loyal relationship with them.

Abandoning a conversation after getting what you want is running the risk of ruining good relationships. So thinking of every prospect relationship as long term and you could well be on your way to earning some customer advocates. These are the valued people who are likely to recommend you to their own communities. You know, the type of word-of-mouth social selling that’s gone on since day one.

So there’s 5 important tips for engaging with your prospects. Implementing these tips and strategies will help your sales and marketing team move prospects through the sales funnel and keep them coming back for more.

Should I Consider Automated Lead Generation for my Business?

Source: Should I Consider Automated Lead Generation for my Business?

If you are feeling the pressure to generate a greater volume of relevant sales leads and achieve more valuable, in-depth knowledge about your prospects with less time and money, don’t worry because so are most sales leaders and marketers. Luckily, new technology has been developed to combat this issue – automated lead generation software. This tool has the capacity to produce a greater number of quality sales leads and convert them into customers without sales people having to do the tedious research and work themselves. 78% of successful marketers claim that this automation technology is the number one reason for their increase in revenue (Source: The Lenskold Group, 2013). So if you are looking to maximise your results from lead generation and lead nurturing programs, an automated system is one of the most advanced and efficient tools you can choose.

You would be surprised how under-utilized this software is among B2B companies right now. This is most likely because sales/marketing strategies and tools are constantly changing and upgrading in the current digital world. Businesses will slowly realise that automated lead generation is where we are headed. The fact is – companies that are outgrowing their competitors are using lead automation software. The question you should be asking yourself is ‘why is are my sales teams doing all this tedious, time-consuming manual work when there are automated tools to do this for them?’

Here, you will learn what automated lead generation is, how it works, and what benefits you will see when implemented into your business.

What is Automated Lead Generation?

Automated lead generation refers to the software that has been developed to automate sales and marketing actions like prospect identification to save marketers and sellers a lot of time and energy, which allows them to focus their efforts on other selling tasks. Just as in marketing where they need to automate repetitive tasks such as social media engagement, sending emails and other website actions, automated lead generation does the same for sales related activities. This technology time consuming tasks a lot simpler. Ideally, customer automation is software that allows companies to identify, score and nurture prospects while also providing assets like email addresses, telephone numbers and social media profiles. This has the effect of speeding up customer engagement and generates new revenue for businesses, and creates a significant return on investment.


The 21st century saw the emergence of the information age. This new economy has replaced the old outdated lead generation techniques which continues to be widely used today.

Those generating sales leads without an automation system will have to manually:

  • Find relevant new leads with contact information
  • Segment these sales leads according to interest and needs
  • Prioritise and nurture these leads
  • Qualify leads
  • Make a report to measure success and sales conversion rate

A sales automation tool eliminates much of the manual hassle of these tasks and will help you achieve results in an easy and efficient manner. Known automation tools and services can be provided by Connectors Marketplace, Socedo, and Unomy, to name only a few. Businesses that do not adapt to the changes and capabilities of the information age will be left behind.

How does it work?

Finding and Engaging with Social Prospects

A sales person can spend the bulk of their time (over 67%) and energy simply trying to find relevant sales leads and interact with them. Manually sifting through social networking sites is a rough job and requires patient and consistent monitoring over a long period of time. Lead automation software allows you to adjust custom criteria for qualifying social prospects and begins engaging them with follow-up actions.

As an example, you might be looking to find your target Twitter prospects based on some business information and start conversing with them. Twitter prospects are analysed according to their profile summary and daily activities. It then conjures up a list of relevant leads based on your custom profile type, such as construction workers, IT professionals, etc. If you want to be more specific, you can choose to further narrow your search by adding certain things to your search. This can include trigger words in personal profiles or in tweets.

Thus, what you get is a pool of relevant and qualified Twitter prospects in your sales pipeline based on your own search criteria, that too at almost no effort. Such tool acts as a completely automated and intelligent lead generation machine saving a considerable amount of man hours.

Perhaps you are a company who wants to make a good first impression with prospective clients. An automated B2B prospecting service allows you to research professionals and companies and learn more in-depth information about them easily and effectively. Such platforms give marketers and sellers a greater volume of information about the company overall, such as revenue rates, competitors, investments and employees. This gives you a slight upper-hand when it comes to meeting with prospects and making a good impression.

Unlike other lead generation services, Connectors marketplace combines automation technology with human data scientists to produce even richer data research for each business they work with. Data collection professionals complement and enhance the data that was efficiently automated by finding more in-depth information like recent news about a company or a prospect’s business email.


Nurturing your Prospects

As soon as you know exactly who your social prospects are, you must now prioritise and nurture these people. Except that you don’t have to do this entirely manually either, you can customise a highly developed auto-response mechanism. A tool can create a customizable workflow of standard operations that you want to run for an approved prospect. The process is simple. Simple, but essential. I would even claim that lead nurturing is the pin that holds your entire integrated lead generation strategy in place. You help the tool know your selected list of Twitter prospects on an incremental basis and the tool will do the routine jobs on behalf of you. Growing competition and tighter budgets means that today’s marketers and sellers are expected to make the most out of every single lead they achieve.

Look at this stage as continually ‘warming up’ your potential buyers/customers over a time period of months, even years. You don’t need them to be ready to purchase straight away, but it’s advantageous to have them in your pipeline until they feel ready. This strategy is designed to warm up sales prospects who:

  • Have bought from you before, but are not necessarily ‘active’ customers now
  • Have showed some level of interest or curiosity – but are not yet ready to purchase
  • You spoke to previously during your list building calls
  • Left their personal details through your site, but again, are not yet ready to purchase

Lead nurturing makes such a difference to sales outcomes that it can make the difference between having a bad sales year and an amazing one. During this time, you simply want to collect useful information that you can use within your lead nurturing system. Did you know that a business can roughly lose between 40% and 80% of prospects as they progress through the pipeline because companies did optimise each stage of the selling process? (Yankee Group Study). That is why consistent engagement and social selling over a lengthy period of time is an extremely important step in the selling process.

For example, many of these systems automate certain small social selling activities like favouring tweets, following them up soon after or messaging them personally for the follow back. Have an end goal in sight for these types of operations. Perhaps your aim is to bring people back to your website. Maybe you want to engage with your sales executives.

Keeping Track of Prospect Activity and Conversions

You not only need to find new prospects but also view prospect engagement report real-time. These social networking tools for analysis help you to track, benchmark and optimize social media performance with time. With the advanced functionalities of an automation tool, you can add critical business insights to custom prospect generation criteria and your engagement with social leads.

For example, automation systems allow you to track the number of Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook prospects that have been followed up on and how many have been missed because of lack of action.

With this useful tool you can create a lifetime prospect criteria report which records:

  • The different trigger words you selected for filtering sales leads. This includes location keywords, conversational keywords and personal profile keywords
  • The number of leads that match your keyword criteria
  • The amount of prospects that have been qualified and followed up on
  • How many leads made you a LinkedIn connection and followed you back on Twitter.

This report aids you in pin-pointing what selling strategies work and don’t work for your company. Thus, allowing you to make improvements.

Summary of Automation Lead Generation Benefits

Companies that upgraded their lead generation strategy by investing in automated lead generation software claim that the biggest benefits are:

  • Allowing marketers to focus on other tasks while the automated system carries out repetitive tasks for them
  • Generating more valuable and qualified leads
  • Creates a better buying experience for your customers
  • Better management and nurturing of prospects
  • Improved email marketing
  • Reduces the chance of mistakes
  • Multichannel marketing

Have you changed your mind about automated lead generation? Studies are proving that marketing automation will be the future of the sales process. The better targeted your approach with your clients, the better your results will be. And while it might not be widespread in companies now, automation software for sales prospecting and social selling will certainly catch on as more and more businesses prosper with it in the ever growing information era.