Digital Selling Introduction



Digital selling is the process of leveraging digital assets (white papers, research, articles, news, offers etc) and communicating to attract customers through digital channels to build trust and credibility. Digital selling is an multi channel method that may include social media as well as other digital channels such as video, email, text, online forums etc to ultimately generate leads and referrals. So, any digital communication to engage buyers is digital selling.

Social selling is an essential component of digital selling and refers to when salespeople use social networks to find, engage and connect with prospects to start conversations and build relationships. Both terms include the word “selling,” but in reality, we do not sell on digital. People respond negatively to sales pitches through digital channels. Both terms refer to a process of connecting and engaging to start more sales conversations with qualified buyers.

According to an EY study, companies that utilize digital selling techniques are 5.7 times more likely to secure prospect meetings and hit 150 percent of their quotas on average.

So, Digital selling covers a number of sales activities to build awareness, credibility, and attract buyer interest using personal brand promotion, real world networking, social media networks and digital channels. Digital Selling is the act of infusing engagement and conversations into the traditional sales process in order to expand the reach to prospects and customers. To streamline how as salespeople we develop, advance, and maintain relationships with people.

Digital Selling is the next step forward making the sales process more productive and meaningful.

Digital selling helps increase revenue in three keyways. It:
• Creates a bigger pipeline with more leads. A large insurance digitally enabled sales reps generated twice as many sales opportunities as its traditional sales reps.
• Converts more leads to sales. A credit card company increased its lead-to-close conversion rate by 25% through digital selling.
• Boosts the average deal size. A world leader in internet security software saw a 64% increase in average deal size after adopting digital selling.

It helps reduce costs by enabling sales to spend:
• Less time finding the right contacts in their market or area. Sales reps who actively use digital selling capabilities are 2.7 times more likely to identify the best path into a potential client.
• Less time on non-productive activities. Sales reps who use digital selling are 5.7 times more likely to secure meetings

Digital Selling introduction sales training can enable a salesperson to excel in six key areas:
• Identifying leads, profiles, and decision makers
• Leverage information or insights to build relationships
• Create “sales conversations” across multiple channels
• Deliver a consistent, enriching personalized experience
• Boost the salespersons “digital sales confidence”
• Increased level of connectivity and influence with people

Identify leads, prospects, and decision makers more effectively with social networking. Social networks are now a force to be reckoned with. LinkedIn, for instance, has over 500 million members, and Facebook has about 2 billion monthly active users. They’re also a veritable goldmine of valuable insights that can help sales better understand customers and their agendas. They can reveal key information, including customers’ employment history, jobs and roles, relationships with others, education, interests and even vendor preferences.

Salespeople also can use social networks and their insights to shorten “time to trust” by leveraging common interests, experiences, and connections; establish, plus foster, and maintain trusted relationships at scale; and engage with buyers much earlier in the decision-making process.


Social networks can significantly enhance a salespersons performance. For instance, research proves that those salespeople who leverage social networks to help build and nurture relationships with prospects and customers — are viewed as highly effective and are widely seen as high-performing salespeople. In fact, salespeople who excel at digital selling create more opportunities and are 51% more likely to hit their sales targets.

Boost a salespersons “digital sales confidence” by integrating digital capabilities into current sales activities to understand a customer’s needs, wants or agenda and most effectively position the company’s offerings. Digital selling requires some new ways of working and that can be a change for a salesperson used to the “tried and true.”

For instance, gone are the days when only cold calls, referrals, and email is used to identify prospects and spark sales conversations. Traditional ways of developing relationships — such as face-to-face meetings, video calls, events and dinners, gifts, and promotional marketing collaterals will live on but will be complimented by wholly new digital relationship building capabilities.
These new ways of selling include prospecting focuses on “pull” versus “push”; warm introductions via contacts, connecting with friends, school/university classmates, ex-work colleagues, etc; and social hours (vs. call hours). And salespeople will benefit from having hundreds of millions of searchable prospects on social networks at their disposal as well as the ‘collective network’, the aggregation of all companies employees contacts which can be shared and tapped for introductions to potential customers.

Similarly, relationships will be fostered through a deep understanding and advancement of a customer’s agenda via such things as sharing news, information and high-value content, engagement in digital communities, and the execution of other “digital gracious acts” or online favor that people appreciate and value. Developing trust quickly and consistently measuring trust over time will be critical to sustaining long-term relationships. The fact is, selling is evolving rapidly to encompass a blend of traditional and digital channels, as well as a mix of real life human and online social interactions. With customers increasingly educating themselves online and interacting via digital channels. The most effective salespeople are those who can make the transition to consultative sellers: digitally savvy guides who make themselves indispensable by deeply understanding customers’ needs and providing solutions that meet them.

“The sales force is transforming from hagglers into consultants,” More and more companies need salespeople who have the ability to sell solutions in a digital environment.” To be sure, it’s a big change. That’s why now is the time to make the transformation where digital selling combined with traditional sales approaches will be second nature.

The Top 4 Reasons Why Salespeople Use Digital Selling
1. Traditional sales tactics have become harder
2. Buyers are open to networking online
3. Extends influence and lead generation potential
4. Build a bigger network of prospects and connections

Digital Selling Introduction consists of five main steps:
1. Establishing a presence on social networks to complement existing sales tactics
2. Finding the right people (Research into Ideal Customer Profiles)
3. Engaging with those people online/offline (Content, Scripts, Engagement)
4. Building trust (Credibility and Connecting)
5. Measuring the impact (Meetings, Referrals, Leads and Revenue)

The 6C’s of Digital Selling
1. Credibility to highlight expertise and skills.
2. Connecting to prospects and existing customers.
3. Content including sales scripts, offers, promotions etc.
4. Conversations that generate interest for meetings/calls.
5. Conversions to pipeline opportunities.
6. Consistency in your activity to drive referrals and exposure.

Digital Selling does not replace Sales
Digital selling is not a substitute for real selling. The person to person sales interactions will have to happen but how or when they happen needs to be planned. Conversations with buyers have to be happening both offline and online and then moved offline into the sales process. If there is no offline conversation happening, then you are doing social marketing.
“Rather than focus digital selling efforts on ‘contacting more’ or ‘contacting faster,’ a more effective method is to think of digital selling first as a path to improved lead generation and engagement
Digital selling is an additive process. This is not a replacement for phone calls and prospecting emails. It is an additive approach, a prescriptive process like another arrow in the quiver that you should think about, “How do I apply digital selling to all sales activity, every prospect, every deal, every single day.
The first step to becoming effective at Digital Selling is to understand that it’s a complement to traditional sales methods, not a revolutionary approach that replaces them. At the end of the day, it is still about connecting people to people, and people to information. Digital selling, due to its ability to enhance the customer journey, is an incredibly powerful sales tool. But, like any tool, its value and utility are ultimately tied to the skills of the individual employing it.

Digital Selling introduction builds on the principle – All selling is social. Always has been. Always will be.
Before Facebook, before LinkedIn, before the web in fact, people bought from people in social ways. They asked for advice from friends, they gave their opinions over coffee, and they wrote “satisfied or dissatisfied customer” letters to companies using pen and paper.
In a nutshell, digital selling is the process of combining traditional sales tactics with channels like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to:
1. Build relationships – BE SEEN
2. Credible personal reputation – BE FOUND
3. Get visibility with your target market – BE USEFUL
4. Deliver value to your target market – BE VALUABLE
5. Build trust as a valuable connection – BE REAL

The more active, present, believable, and visible a salesperson is, the more relationships they will build. Digital Selling training is just one of The Digital Sales Institute online courses

Source: Digital Selling Introduction – The Digital Sales Institute

The Science to a Winning B2B Sales Message – The Digital Sales Institute

A B2B sales message is about grabbing attention. So, what do all successful businesses have in common? They have a distinguished brand. Branding your businesses puts your name out there. Build brand recognition in your industry, and you will be able to attract new clients with less effort. A relevant part of that branding journey is writing an impactful B2B message. Make an impression that lasts. Compose a winning first B2B message, and you’ll be ready to start conquering the market. Communicating your message can be a challenge. You should be convincing but precise. Direct but engaging. You must win the B2B readers with info that matters.Let’s take a look at what it takes to write a compelling first B2B sales message.Define Key Elements of The B2B Sales MessageTo understand a phenomenon, you need to strip it down to the core. You should start with the basic elements to see the whole picture. That’s why the science behind writing the first B2B messages begins with defining the key points. You need to figure out what you’ve got to work with before you come up with the message.Outline the foundation and consider the following elements:Target audience (buyers of your

Source: The Science to a Winning B2B Sales Message – The Digital Sales Institute

The Psychology of Selling -Digital Sales Institute from The Digital Sales Institute on Vimeo.

Free Sales Training Social Selling – The Digital Sales Institute

Free Sales Training Social Selling

Source: Free Sales Training Social Selling – The Digital Sales Institute


Free sales training social selling lesson, a free sample video lesson on “What is Social Selling” from The Digital Sales Institute – Online Social Selling Training Program.

Social Selling is about building a bridge between your social media activity (sharing content, looking for opportunity, insights, ideas and perspectives) and the phone call (sales outreach) to maximize buyer interactions and minimize disruption. Social selling concentrates on sharing focused content and providing one-to-one communication between the salesperson and the buyer. The goal is for you to form a deeper, more beneficial relationship with each prospect, providing suggestions and answering questions.

The social media influenced buyer’s journey has changed the sales process for everyone. Control has shifted away from the salesperson, as sales are no longer the sole provider of information. The buyer can use the Internet to self-educate, self-discover, find reviews or opinions, they can interact with peers online, and they want to control the engagement.

Initiate Your Digital Reboot Now

B2B buyers are becoming more and more digitally influenced, so to succeed in the digital era we must all act now to put in place a digital reboot — or risk being left behind. Every salesperson should take the time to assess their current skill-set, ability, and willingness to acquire new skills and to adopt to new sales channels. To be successful in sales we will need to up-skill and acquire new digital selling skills. We must reconfigure our sales methods to match the expected buyer engagement processes and ensure we maximize sales influence using the social networks. These new additive sales skills such as social selling you will learn will be flexible enough to change and scale as B2B buyer dynamics continuously evolve in the digital era.

We hope this video  on “Free Sales Training Social Selling ” has given you a small flavor on how social selling can benefit your sales efforts.

To invest in the complete the 40 lesson social selling training program Click here REGISTER

Social selling is NOT about creative avoidance or empty time syndrome

Social Selling Training Courses

Social selling training courses are now an integral part of any sales training programs to educate salespeople on the power of social media in sales.

Source: Social Selling Training Courses – The Digital Sales Institute

Social selling training is now a vital part of a salespersons sales training programs, as traditional sales methods have diminishing returns.  Sales tactics such as pure cold calling have diminishing returns when trying to reach potential clients. To sustain business success, sales professionals need to adopt digital and social selling techniques as part of any efficient sales strategy. Social selling skills are transforming sales, social reach, customer engagement, networking, awareness, prospecting and lead generation.

Take this Course

Social Selling Training Course

The benefits of taking a social selling training course can be measured in the increased level of customer engagement on the social channels.

Source: Social Selling Training Course

The impact of social selling on the sales process is something salespeople and especially sales management can struggle with. Any business in the B2B (and increasingly in the B2C space) can leverage social selling to drive increased customer or prospect engagement. Our social selling training course helps salespeople to master how social is a change agent in the sales process, how it can be used to influence the digital savvy buyer and using social selling to trigger a change management project with customers.


Social selling plan

The adaptation of social selling into the DNA of any sales strategy is vital because relying solely on the more traditional sales methods only leads to diminishing returns. Ask any buyer and they will tell you that blatant, random cold calls are just an unwelcome intrusion in the buyer’s day. To sustain customer acquisition and development, salespeople must become skilled at using digital and social selling techniques as part of their daily sales activity. The reality is that social selling is transforming sales interactions, supporting sales prospecting and contributing to lower cost lead generation.

At the The Digital Sales Institute, our social selling course is ideal for a variety of sales roles, whether in business development, inbound, sales prospecting, customer retention, account managers or even in a sales leadership role. Our course is focused on enriching selling techniques via digital, developing new sales methods to engage customers which leads on to maximizing a sales career.

As we enter the Sales 3.0 era, social selling has become a vital sales tool in any salesperson’s arsenal. As mentioned above, traditional selling methods are now no longer able to sustain sales growth plans, as how buyers interact and source information on vendors has changed forever. To stay successful, every business and salesperson must use digital tools and digital techniques to enhance their sales and prospecting activities. The online social selling course will introduce the salesperson to the most effective social selling tools and techniques to maximize the impact and ROI of their social selling initiatives.

It will also help the course participant to understand how to implement a digital sales transformation within their business. Created with industry experts who successfully use social selling and a leading business school, this professional social selling training course will ensure that salespeople have the tools and skills needed to sell effectively using the social channels and attain higher sales results.

The Social Selling Training Course.

  • Understand the impact of social media on the sales process
  • Learn the 6C’s of Social Selling Success
  • Address the challenges a business faces in the digital landscape
  • Adapt your sale activity to include social and digital

The Buyers’ Journey

  • The digital savvy and self educating buyer
  • Do you really know the buyer whys?
  • Buyer behaviors and their digital journey
  • Find out to be credible, useful and valuable via social
  • Mapping the sales process for the modern buyer

Digital Sales Transformation

  • How digital and social media is changing how we sell
  • What the new sales process and steps looks like
  • What changes digital sales transformation will bring

The Case for using Social Selling

  • Case studies and real social selling ROI
  • How the modern buyer wants to interact
  • The power of content, articles and personalization
  • The power of social reach and influencing buyers thinking
  • Social amplification – using social selling as an additive process to boost sales ROI
  • Social branding to ensure your customer loyalty

The Sales Habit Loop For The Digital Era

  • The new sales habit loop that will drive new behaviors, activity and focus
  • Understand digital selling, how to master it and how to make social work even better
  • Understand the evolving buyer to supplier relationship and plan for digital change

We know that the sales world is changing fast, and the way that buyers are making their purchasing decisions are changing faster than sales is responding.

With millennial’s making up the majority of B2B buyers within five years, there method of procuring products and services is via researching online, they are using Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to educate and inform themselves. Now is the time to see how a social selling training course as part of your wider sales training courses  can impact your sales success for improved results.

Social Selling on LinkedIn

Social selling on LinkedIn has become a go to sales tactic to connect, share, influence and engage with both prospects and customers.

Source: Social Selling on LinkedIn

Social selling on LinkedIn has become a vital cog in the sales process and as a means to interact with people for the purpose of building credibility. Social selling as overtaken many of the older methods of interacting with business audiences because while they can still deliver results, activities such cold calling and unsolicited emails are not as powerful as they once were. However, as smart salespeople are learning, if you combine the more traditional methods of selling in in conjunction with social selling on LinkedIn, your success rate improves. The main activity involves the use of the LinkedIn platform as part of the B2B sales process to create awareness and influence while gradually cultivating new connections.

Social selling on LinkedIn is great for building business relationships before a prospect even starts a buyer’s journey, to use content and articles to close the conversion gap and eventually move social conversations into an offline sales conversation. Social selling on LinkedIn is an additive process to existing sales tactics to connect with decision makers and influencers.


Social selling on LinkedIn

Social Selling on LinkedIn consists of five main steps:

It starts with establishing a professional presence on LinkedIn with clear Goals and objectives.

Next, it’s about finding the right people via research into Buyer Personas or Ideal Customer Profiles.

Then, engaging with those people with content, articles, research, insights etc.

Building trust which is about Credibility and Connecting (read below) is next step.

Ultimately, it’s about measuring the impact of our social selling activity, ROI factors such as Conversions, Mentions, References and Leads.

Social selling on LinkedIn should focus on building a communication channel between social media activity such as sharing content, information or articles and the sales call to maximize buyer interactions. So, Social selling concentrates on sharing quality content to kick-start one-to-one communication between the social seller and the connection.

The 6C’s To Social Selling on LinkedIn

The 6C’s to social selling on LinkedIn are;



Social credibility is about positioning yourself to have influence and high levels of perceived value to prospects or customers. At the practical level it is about creating professional social profiles, adding value in online discussions, demonstrating knowledge, writing and sharing quality content, being aware of industry trends plus seeking referrals from clients and co-workers to build our social brand. We should strive to be viewed as a subject matter expert and a go to resource in our industry or market for information.


Connecting on LinkedIn. The silver bullet of social selling is timing. Getting the attention of the right person for the limited time they are using the LinkedIn platform.

When it comes to social selling, the ABC of selling has moved from “Always be closing” to “Always be Connecting (with a purpose)”. It is important to note here that we need to build connections that lead somewhere, we all have had the experience of slowly realising the relationships we have been building is only a bridge to nowhere. No point in having 5000 useless connections, so plan out your ideal customer profiles.


Social content is about adding to the experience in the buyer’s journey with quality, useful and insightful articles or information. Also, the shared content should be a healthy mix of our own content plus content from other sources. A coherent social content plan maps to the buyer’s journey, giving it purpose and vision, and aligning all the content around a common set of goals for what that content should achieve.


Great social conversations should happen on purpose. To have conversations that win, your messages, content, and social selling skills need to work together. A key building block in social selling is for us to have valuable conversations with various decision-makers and adapt our value proposition to the unique situation of each buyer. When engaging in social conversations, we need to ask ourselves;

What do I want my connection and audience to learn?

What do I want them to feel?

What do I want them to do?


Social selling on LinkedIn has to have an ROI, taking a targeted social connection to a qualified sales lead. For this to happen, we have to use LinkedIn to incite buyers to do something different and do it with us. Our goal in social selling is to take the connection (lead) through Awareness and Consideration. The Presentation, Negotiating and Decision stages etc in the sales process is not part of social selling. We need to utilize social selling to create a buying vision in order to convert a connection into a qualified lead so they may engage in a sales conversation.  Remember, that 80% of buyers actually make it to the end of the sales cycle and make NO DECISION according to Stanford Business School


To succeed, thrive, and prosper in social selling on LinkedIn, we need to be consistent, insistent, and dedicatedly persistent.  The principal of P.D.O comes into effect here, as Process, Discipline, and Ownership (P.D.O.) is the key to unlocking social selling success.

It is also important to point out that social selling is not a shortcut to generating sales leads as starting purposeful relationships via social selling can take many touches and conversations. Consistency is part process (what you do) and part skill (how you do it).

Within 5 years, 80% of the buying process will occur without any direct human-to-human interaction.” – Gartner and Forrester

Sales training may be required to master social selling on LinkedIn, to learn how to influence and how we can bring to bear on customers and prospects’, by sharing content which is consumed, shared and commented on, then being visible via social conversations for the market topics we serve.

Definition of Social Selling

The definition of social selling is based on using social media to engage customers with content and insights as part of the sales process.

Source: Definition of Social Selling

In essence, social selling is training salespeople to leverage the benefits of social media for one-to-one personalized communication with customers, influencers and prospects. It can be a powerful sales tactic in finding new customers, connecting with existing customers, uncovering insights and triggers plus to gather background information in understanding a customer’s business.

Social selling is not really selling at all, instead it places its emphasis on building up connections, on influencing, on sharing information and content, to create a network effect, so more and more people get to know your company or brand plus to be seen as a thought leader in your industry.


Social Selling Definition

The Definition of Social Selling!

In the sales 3.0 era, every salesperson should view social selling as a channel to reach and engage customers, much the same as email, the phone or in person. So, it has to have rules, guidelines, etiquette, purpose and measures of success in how it has impacted leads or revenue.

A definition of social selling I use in presentations is:

Social selling is about building a direct communication bridge between a customer (or clearly identified prospect) and the salesperson to share insights, information, ideas and perspectives as a non-interruption channel in the pursuit of improving the consideration levels for a company/brand. Its purpose as part of the sales process is to use social media for research, to listen, to identify and then engage a set of defined profiles in the quest to grow a customer base.

So, in a nutshell, the definition of social selling is the process of using the social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to

Engage defined audiences

Nurture relationships

Extend the companies social reach

Build credibility

Listen for triggers and opportunities

Be seen to be useful by sharing valuable insights

Grow the businesses influence

Create conversion opportunities from connection to qualified lead

Social selling is NOT about sending Spam messages or pushing out mass marketing messages. It is a sales skill, the ability to connect, engage and build credibility in the digital era.

The definition of social selling should not include the use of social media to spam or chase people digitally. It is an additive sales activity, one that works differently to the traditional sales activities of cold calling or prospecting. It is not as simplistic as replacing the telephone with LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. Research shows buyers now control the sales cycle, they seek out information and select vendors who they value, so any sales strategy that pivots on interrupting them or blasting them with generic sales messaging is not a strategy that will create trust and credibility.

From a sales management perspective social selling should be expected to deliver real tangible results from the time invested in pursuing highly relevant and personalized conversations via the social channels. When planning out a social selling plan make sure it is a consistent and real presence on the social media channels of choice.  To train salespeople to find, select and curate content for sharing every day. For them to add value to social conversations and engage people in meaningful dialog. Remember, social selling needs training and time commitment. It is not about filling empty time and cannot be automated.

A successful social selling plan will be ones that focuses on salespeople creating opportunities with customers or prospects in a very personalized manner. Most buyers will be digital natives in the next decade, so any business planning to grow their revenue will need to learn how to use social media to tap into their core market and audiences.

Beyond the definition of social selling, like any successful sales process, it needs to be a consistent activity and works best when applied to every salespersons daily sales habit loop. However, for social selling to be a consistent sales activity requires training and a programmatic approach. The sales team must learn the skills in how to leverage each social media network like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Salespeople need to view social selling as a valuable activity for engaging customers and growing revenue. It should be noted that companies who have implemented a formal social selling strategy are seeing sales growth in double digits.

Social Selling Plan Overview:

A quick outline of a social selling plan would include:

Creation of a social purpose with goals and objectives

Implementing social selling guidelines and etiquette

Establish a uniformed social presence for all concerned

Map social selling into the overall sales process

Identify Customers, Prospects or Ideal Customer Profiles

Assign and engage with the people identified to extend social reach

Build credibility via content, thought leadership, research etc

Grow the total number of purposeful connections

Monitor metrics/KPI’s – Mentions, References and Sales Leads

Measure the conversion rate from connection to customer

Take into account that a social selling plan or strategy may require a change in mindset from sales management. One that requires them to combine the constant focus on sales goals with the social goals of extending social reach and building a network of online relationships. No one can argue how we sell and interact with customers or buyers has changed. We know they self-educate, conducts their own research and is increasingly influenced by what they read online. The adaption of social selling and social conversations to reach more and more customers is a fantastic opportunity. But for it to work, companies will need to train and coach their salespeople on the social selling plan. Plus ensure they are working towards the goals and objectives that have been set.

We hope this article on the definition of social selling has helped you understand the role it can play in the modern sales process. How social selling is transforming the traditional sales activities and how it can increase the sales performance of everyone selling (social selling is also less stressful!). When properly planned and executed, a social selling plan will allow a business and its salespeople to engage customers via the online social channels, and then to walk with them through the buyer’s journey by being credible, useful and valuable.

Social Selling Meaning

If a business can outline their social selling meaning in relation to the overall sales process, they are ahead of the curve in becoming a social business. In other words, they see social selling and digital selling as an integral part of their sales strategy.

Many sales leaders still struggle to put into words their social selling meaning or may just not understand the role social selling now plays in everyday sales interactions. Well, social selling is social by nature and remember that buyers are human, and humans are social by nature. All of us as consumers like to get opinions and advice from those we trust when it comes to making purchases. The same now goes for the way we buy and sell in the B2B world. The reality is that social media has given us the resources (buyer or seller) to expand out how we get opinions and advice, making us all more savvy and educated in our buying decisions.


Social selling meaning

The first thing to accept is that both “Digital selling” and “Social selling” are becoming increasingly vital sales tactics for a business to engage more prospects or customers. So, let’s look at a social selling meaning.

It starts with a vision that every salesperson will use social selling as a tactic which is baked into every aspect of the company’s sales DNA. To be used to make smarter decisions on how to target, who to prospect and who to sell to. But a social selling meaning is much more than that, it means to engage and connect with people in a much less interruption manner, to share and engage in discussions without the sales pitch plus to recognize that the next wave of buyers are digital native, social channels will be their communication channel of choice. It’s already happening, look at the influence Facebook, Amazon, eBay, Google searches and review sites have on our own buying habits.

 A social selling meaning to use:

 For the sales teams and salespeople to use social selling to build a communication channel directly with customers that connects the businesses social media marketing activity and the sales engagement. To extend out the sheer volume of buyer connectivity and interactions that promotes the business far greater than traditional sales channels.

Social selling opens up the opportunity for salespeople to connect, share and communicate on a one to one basis with a set of customers or prospects. This allows them to have personalized conversations, to form a level of value and trust with each connection by providing insights, information and answering questions.

This is why companies are integrating social selling into the DNA of their sales strategy.

Social Selling Means Being Connected

Having a social selling meaning includes have metrics and measures of success. It’s about getting it to deliver real and measurable results from the one-to-one social conversations the salespeople are having with a targeted set of buyers.  The dawning of the digital native B2B buyer is here, so the ability to connect and influence them via social media will be vital to every businesses success no matter what they sell.

 Also, it is important to be able to tell the difference between social selling and social marketing. Social marketing is tasked with increasing brand exposure and driving website traffic using content or offers to a mass market in a one to many approach. Social selling is 100% focused on a personalized one to one approach.

 Social selling does require training and a plan just the same as every other sales tactic. Salespeople need to learn how to build influence and authority on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. They need to understand how to research and engage a new customer, how to tap into triggers and signals plus how to build a communication plan that leads from contact to customer.

 When we discuss a social selling meaning, we are also talking about building a sales team comfortable with being social salespeople. They must learn new sales skills, skills such as personalized marketing, content expert and social storytelling. Social selling as part of a sales strategy also requires a mindset change, one that requires sales management or sales leadership to let go of the traditional constant sales pitching towards having salespeople build relationships and connections online.

 There is no silver bullet as to what is social selling meaning, but it does comprise of many different sales activities that work in unison with other sales activities.

 I don’t believe there is any business leader who does not accept that the buyer to seller relationship has changed due to the influence of social media. Research after research into buyer behavior (B2B and B2C) clearly shows that they are self-educating and influenced by reviews or opinions they see online. This move to a social first interaction model will give forward thinking companies a great opportunity to grow faster, while for others it will pose a risk to their ability to re-purpose their sales force.

 Social selling and digital selling will put customer value at the heart of your sales strategy, to share content, provide insights, answer questions, create value, build credibility which will lead to many more meaningful sales conversations that any other sales channel.

Social Selling Strategy

A social selling strategy and training information for sales leadership considering how to implement social selling and digital selling courses for their business. Focus is on sales strategy. Defining and making the case for digital selling skills and a social selling strategy as a key element of your sales training plans. How social channels can be used as a vehicle for social transformation and integration into the sales strategy.

The social selling training cover how a successful prescriptive social selling strategy and digital selling program would look inside your organization. To some business leaders “Social Selling Training Strategy” can at times seem like an overused buzzword. The proof is here that it can provide an enterprise with tremendous value but, without the right perspective, enterprises can find themselves adopting it prematurely or not sufficiently preparing themselves for the demands of a social selling program. These sales training courses helps identify your company’s readiness.


Defining and making the case for Social Selling

This strategy module covers why the most significant change in the world of sales is that digital connectivity has put power in the hands of the buyers. Instead of being passively influenced by marketing and sales, they actively search, research and compare.
Learn why social media is no longer the exclusive domain of marketers. Why today selling is not about pushing messaging. It’s about conversations. It’s about connecting and engaging. It needs to be integrated into the very DNA of your business.

Why Social Sell

The “Why Social Selling” module explains why this is an evolutionary step forward making the sales process more productive and meaningful.
Explore why social selling is an additive process.
We cover why it is not a replacement for sales but rather as an additive approach, a prescriptive process like another bridge to reach buyers. We get you to ask as a leader, “How do I apply social to every prospect, every deal, every account, and every single day.” Read some social selling tips.

Sales and Marketing Alignment

The sales and marketing alignment module shows why aligning the sales and marketing teams to work together can increase your companies reach and goals in the social media channels.
We review a “closed-loop” system where sales and marketing teams contribute, share, and refine the resources both groups need to produce the best possible results.


Social as a Platform for Change

The social as a platform for change content module challenges sales and marketing leaders to see that the key to digital transformation is re-envisioning and driving change in how the sales and marketing teams along with the company operates.
This module also covers that this is a management and people challenge, not just a technology one

Content Strategy

The content strategy module is focused how business leaders can go about developing the stories that an organisation wants to tell and then the act of creating and publishing usable content that supports both marketing and sales (social selling, lead generation, lead nurturing and closing).
Included is why content should be viewed as a business asset.

Social Collaboration

The social collaboration module explores that to succeed at social selling requires leadership to foster a cross-functional collaboration between sales, sales leadership, marketing, sales enablement and sales training.
The future of communicating with customers rests in engaging with them through every possible channel.

Social Selling Measurement

A social selling training strategy helps the leader to see this just the same as any sales strategy, social selling needs to be tied back to KPI’s and metrics. Without clear goals and objective sales people do not link their social behaviour to social etiquette, policies or structure. They commit “random acts of social” where at times self-promotion takes precedent over company promotion.
The goals for a social selling training strategy should be directly or indirectly linked to revenue generated. What aspect of each customer’s journey was influenced and progressed through the use of social selling

Social Selling Strategy

The social selling strategy module is focused on understanding that social selling is a process, seeing it as a careful progression through a continuum so business leadership can unlock the benefits it offers
Topics include how to use it as an opportunity for continuity throughout the sales cycle, ensuring deeper, consistently attuned customer engagement. Then how social selling can continue buyer conversations and help your business remain top of mind after the deal has been closed.
We also cover the social selling maturity stages